Kerry's COMM 303 Blog

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Blog Post # 4

Filed under: Uncategorized — krobins5 at 7:38 pm on Sunday, February 28, 2010

I found an interesting story on about a new addition to the National Zoo. The story is about a giant Pacific octopus that was brought to the zoo in January. This story is interesting because it’s not about a panda or a lion. A story about octopus would be expected in a story about the Baltimore Aquarium. The story was able to provide all of the basic information effectively. The one thing that I wish they did differently is leave out the last paragraph. I don’t think it is very important to tell the readers facts about the weight of a Pacific octopus. I also found it interesting that no one reported on the story until late this month instead of when the octopus came to the zoo back in January. The only other article about the octopus was posted on a zoo website. The article is more interesting because it keeps the story ‘short and sweet’ rather than providing facts that anyone could easily read on the walls of the exhibit.

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