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News Leads

Filed under: Uncategorized — krobins5 at 1:29 am on Monday, February 22, 2010

Straight News- ‘Family Ties’ actor Bonsall arrested_again

BOULDER, Colo. — Former “Family Ties” actor Brian Bonsall has been arrested again in Colorado, this time on a charge of using marijuana in violation of the terms of his release.

Anecdotal– U.S. stuns Canada in Olympic men’s hockey

VANCOUVER, B.C. –When U.S. Olympic hockey player Jamie Langenbrunner scored in the final period Sunday night, a shot ricocheting off of his skate blade into the net, he just about jumped out of the arena with joy. This wasn’t exactly a miracle on ice, but elements of it had become pretty difficult to believe.

Question– The Misfits: A young speedskater’s training marathon involves the whole family

How’s your exercise routine going? Are you hitting the gym consistently, putting in your 30 minutes a day, maybe even 60? Are you doing your reps, pounding out the miles, sticking with the program — even in the face of work and family obligations and the hassles posed by the weather? Feeling pretty good about that?

Bad Lead– Not exactly a ringing endorsement

Lisa Oakley knows that some studies on long-term use of cellphones suggest an increased correlation with cancerous tumors. And she knows of a couple of people who have had brain tumors, and wonders whether their cellphones had anything to do with it.

I think this is a bad lead because it doesn’t suck the reader into the story. Cell phones might be the reason for some tumors but there are also other causes of people getting tumors. I think that the writer could find a more interesting way to bring the reader into the story.

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February 24, 2010 @ 4:11 pm   


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