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Radio News Story

Filed under: Uncategorized — krobins5 at 12:41 am on Thursday, April 8, 2010

I chose a story that was covered on WTOP radio about a band playing a gig at an Alexandria detention center. This was a story that immediately jumped out at me. The story, covered by Michelle Basch, is appropriately called “Inmates Rock Out”.

The story relied heavily on background noises. TheĀ  first thing I noticed when listening was the live music playing in the background. The second noise came in the sound of an audience clapping. There are also audio interviews from some of the entertained inmates and the jail

Aspects of aural writing: Most of the sentences were short, right to the point, the background sounds seemed to be attractive to the ear, and a simple vocabulary.

I think it was different than a print story because it was short and to the point. It also used background sounds which could not be included in a written story unless it was briefly mentioned. The sentences were shorter than if they were in a written copy. I think the story would not be as effective without the background music. The story allowed the listener to imagine what it would be like to be at the concert.

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April 9, 2010 @ 10:30 pm   


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