Kerry's COMM 303 Blog

Just another onMason weblog

Celebrity Snow Days

Filed under: Uncategorized — krobins5 at 2:32 pm on Sunday, February 7, 2010  Tagged ,

The snow story that I chose was written by Monica Hesse. This story was uploaded to the Washington Post’s website on February 7th. It appears in the ‘Arts & Living’ section. The name of the story is “Celebrities’ snow days are just as mundane as ours”. It discusses how the region’s celebrities are spending their […]

Lady Gaga & Elton John

Filed under: Uncategorized — krobins5 at 2:31 pm on Wednesday, February 3, 2010

I was flipping back and forth from the Grammys and MTV. I am not into many award shows but I was excited to hear that Lady GaGa was performing. In my mind, I knew that she would deliver a shocking and amazing performance. It turned out to be both of these. She was dressed in […]

Stovall Exercise 4.2

Filed under: Uncategorized — krobins5 at 2:09 pm on Wednesday, February 3, 2010

” ‘Good Guy’ Holds Teacher, Students Hostage” 1.) The most important news values that are present in this story are conflict, impact, and proximity. This story appears to be a story that would be covered by the news located in that area. 2.) WHO: Eli Dean, 18-year-old student WHAT: Dean is suspected of holding a […]

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