Kerry's COMM 303 Blog

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Filed under: Uncategorized — krobins5 at 1:10 pm on Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Photo courtesy of Flickr user ricky_1989

The bright and golden sun is flashing down on the ground below. It looks like it may have just come out so it could be morning. The sky is bright blue and it appears to be sometime in the middle of winter. There are many white clouds in the sky at this time. The large trees have no leaves and are bare. Some of the branches appear to be weak and close to the ground. The other tree, on the right, has some dark leaves hanging off of the ends. The ground is covered in white snow. This snow appears to be glistening from the sun shining down on it.

Even though it is winter, it is a nice day. The trees are still standing and the snow on the ground is not overpowering. In the background, there are some bushes that are starting to show out of the surrounding snow. There are also barely noticeable foot-prints in the snow in front of the bushes. Another tree, similar to the two large trees, is barely visable behind the tree with several leaves hanging from it.

1 Comment »



February 16, 2010 @ 11:37 pm   

Good job. 5/5.

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