Kerry's COMM 303 Blog

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Stovall Exercise 3.11

Filed under: Uncategorized — krobins5 at 7:56 am on Wednesday, February 10, 2010

1.) The United States comprises 50 states.

2.) How would you write “In the year of the Lord 33”? A.D. 33.

3.) What is the correct title for Russian leaders before 1914? czar

4.) What is an acceptable abbrev. for the ocean liner Queen Elizabeth II? QE2

5.) Which of the following is incorrect: court-martials

6.) What is the long name for the machinists’ union? International Association of Machinists and Aerospace Workers

7.) How should the term NROTC be used correctly in journalism? Navy ROTC

8.) Which of the following is not an acceptable term for the journalist to apply to a religious group: liberal

9.) Which of these words has to do with flowing water: pour

10.) Where are the headquarters for Delta Airlines? Atlanta

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