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Celebrity Snow Days

Filed under: Uncategorized — krobins5 at 2:32 pm on Sunday, February 7, 2010  Tagged ,

The snow story that I chose was written by Monica Hesse. This story was uploaded to the Washington Post’s website on February 7th. It appears in the ‘Arts & Living’ section. The name of the story is “Celebrities’ snow days are just as mundane as ours”. It discusses how the region’s celebrities are spending their days during the blizzard of 2010. This story has an interesting take on the storm because it discusses how the region’s “celebrities” are handling the snow. When I first read the story, I expected to hear about A-list celebrities or at least people who I knew of. However, these celebrities consist of news anchors, White House chief of staff, and others.

The writer of this story used exclamatory sentences in the first paragraph to get the reader’s attention. These sentences caught my attention immediately and brought me interested in the story. She also relates many of these “celebrities” to us. They are shoveling their driveways, their houses are without electricity. Their days are spent reading books and eating comfort food. The news value of this piece is that well-known people are having many of the same difficulties as we are and doing many of the same activities that we are. The title of the story “celebrities’ snow days are just as mundane as ours” proves to be true in this story. I was interested especially since my family lost power for over 24 hours. It is nice to know that some popular Washington DC celebrities are dealing with the same problems.

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