Kerry's COMM 303 Blog

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Stovall Exercise 4.2

Filed under: Uncategorized — krobins5 at 2:09 pm on Wednesday, February 3, 2010

” ‘Good Guy’ Holds Teacher, Students Hostage”

1.) The most important news values that are present in this story are conflict, impact, and proximity. This story appears to be a story that would be covered by the news located in that area.

2.) WHO: Eli Dean, 18-year-old student

WHAT: Dean is suspected of holding a teacher and about 15 students hostage.

WHEN: Monday from 11:10 a.m. to 7:30 p.m. No exact date is given for when this crime took place.

WHERE: Central High School

WHY: Dean was twice suspended from the school in the last two weeks for setting off a fire alarm and breaking a window.

HOW: He used a .44-caliber revolver taken from his stepfather’s room.

3.) People are the most used type of sources of information in this story.

4.) Sgt. Martin Jenkins is the main source used through the story. It was unclear whether the writer interviewed him directly or not. The reporter/writer could have taken notes during a press conference on the event. A student, Amanda Garr, was also interviewed but her words seem to be paraphrased.

5.) It seems that most of the information in this story is accurate. The writer did some background research on the suspect and talked to more than one source. If I were the editor, I might have suggested to the writer to try and get interviews from friends of the suspect or family members. It would be important to get more information on why a “good boy” would choose to hold up a teacher and his fellow classmates. It would also be important to know if Melody Money was particularly targeted by Eli Dean and why. I would want the writer to double-check the times and information about the specific events that occurred in the school.

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